Game Progress Update #96

Game Progress Update #96

Hello World, Welcome to the ninety sixth Dev with Dave game progress update.

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks, with Christmas looming round the corner, and all the preparation which goes along with that. (I’m dreading how the kittens will be once we get the Christmas tree set up! lol).

It’s also a sad time, as yesterday evening, as Aurora, one of our cats, passed away. She was around 16 years old. We were given Aurora back in 2009 when we moved into the house we live in now.

She was very quiet, and kept herself to herself mostly. She certainly did not try and hog the lime light like some of the other cats, and seemed to have avoided the cameras through the years. I will miss her terribly.

Anyway, carrying on from the >last update<, I’ve mostly been focusing on creating assets to use in social media for the pre-launch period of the game. Creating short video assets which will be posted individually, and combined with other videos to make longer ones.

Video assets

Carrying on from the last update, I have been making more of the videos to demonstrate various aspects of the game on social media.

It took me a few hours overall, to modify the game in preparation of recording footage.

As with all the previous videos I’ve recorded for the game, I have hidden the UI from the recording. It’s perhaps a little late now, but I have decided that I should have added a variable to act as a flag so I could just set it to true, and have the UI elements repositioned for video recording. But as I’m best part done with recording footage, it’s probably too late to worry about this now.

Making the videos themselves is fairly straight forward. Especially now I have the timings written down. It is time consuming though. Assuming capturing the in game footage doesn’t take too long, and I don’t make any silly mistakes in the post production editing, I can make around 4 ten second videos with the Icon then game play footage, as well as four videos with just the text and icon, and a still image for each as well.

The score multiplier video was a bit of a pain however, as it’s not easy to demonstrate a score multiplier.

As you can see in the image, simply unhiding the score element of the UI clashed with the positioning of the text overlay. This made the score hard to see, and did not fit with the purpose of the video.

I took a few minutes out to go for a walk and think about how to solve the problem.

Ultimately I decided to increase the size of the score display text and position it more clearly in front of the player ship.

I’m not entirely happy with the solution, as it will make this one hard to render in other aspect sizes. (I’m planning on having all the videos done in 16:9, 1:1, and 9:16.

Even more bugs discovered

Everything seemed to be going largely ok while I was recording the footage for the pickups. However that all seemed to change when I started recording footage for the boost videos.

First of all I discovered that if you crashed while the head start boost is active, the shield sound does not get stopped.

Then, when I was recording footage for the self destruct boost, I noticed that not only the initial explosion not have a sound effect, but neither did any of the bounces when the ship impacts the ground.

I also suspect the Self destruct boost might be a little OP…

All the bugs have been added to the Trello Known bugs/issues list, which you can see >here<. There is a few now, and most of them look quite simple to fix. I shall really have to set aside a day to fix them all soon.

That’s all for now.

And that’s all for now.

I will be back in two weeks for the last Flappy-vaders game progress update of the year. After that I will be taking some time off to celebrate Christmas with my friends.

See you later 🙂