Game Progress Update #94
Hello world, and welcome to the ninety fourth Dev with Dave Game Progress Update!
It’s very nearly Halloween, and that means Christmas is only round the corner! The dark nights of winter are drawing in, and soon I will have to think about putting the heating on.
As for Flappy-vaders, this Update is once again primarily about marketing. I was hoping to also get some coding done and try and fix some of the bugs on the Trello board’s Known bugs/Issues list, but we all know what happens when I plan on doing something in my spare time… 🙄 I think for the next update I shall just hope that I get.
Talking of the next update, The usual update won’t be in two weeks time, Instead the next Flappy-vaders update will be the 22nd of November. I’m once again having a well earned break away from the keyboard.
Anyway, let me tell you what I’ve been up to with regards to getting the game ready for launch.
Social media assets
My plan for the social media posting is to use a selection of stills and videos to demonstrate or explain various aspects of the game, in combination with the mockup images I have already produced from PlaceIT.
After sit down, a think, and a refreshing cup of tea, I decided to use a format similar to the promotional video I made a while back. That is to use the background scrolling animation of the game, as well as other assets to demonstrate aspects of the game, like pickups, etc.

The above is a mock up of a potential image. On social media, this could be accompanied by a longer text adding further explanation. I am going to set about making some more of these, and experiment with some subtle animations in the video. Things like text sweeping onscreen, or the pick up icon zooming in or wobbling slightly. That sort of thing.

When creating artwork I find it helps enormously when you have to tweak or edit them months down the line, to have written down things like font name and size, the screen resolution used, etc.
These may all seem obvious to you now, but in six months down the like, you may have a different opinion.
Email sequences
As I said in the last update, the auto branding detector didn’t work. So before I set to work on the email sequences, I logged into the FV website and wrote down the hex codes for the colours used on the site. Then I headed back over to the Brevo website to carry on with creating the email sequences.
I also needed to provide a copy of the logo, but that was also quite straight forward to do.

Fortunately the brevo email editor looks to be a fairly simple to use drag and drop editor.
I must admit it did take me slightly longer than I would have liked to have worked out how to use the editor, but I did manage to get the first email of the first sequence created.
However, once I tested it, it did seem to go straight to the junk mail folder of the email address it was sent to. This was despite having set the DNS records earlier to prevent this from happening and the email address it was sent to had confirmed a desire to receive emails.
Not ideal 🙁
I have decided to add a notice to both the “Thanks for signing up” page of the website, and the first email suggesting that the player adds the email address to their list of safe senders.
And that’s all for now.
Time is as always against me. And that it seems is all the time I have for this update. I will be back as I said earlier, not next fortnight, but the one after (22/11/2024).
I hope you all have a spooky Halloween, and I’ll catch you all soon.