Update #5
Hello world. Welcome to the fifth Dev with Dave Game Progress Update. The biggest change in this update is the work done to the UI Handling system.
UI Framework
This is where the bulk of the work has been done for this update. Continuing off from where I left it last update, I have added functions to load in the UI data as well as to change the current UI Page.
I’ve got the Text and Images working 100% but I still need to add the functionality for the UI Buttons.
I’ve created three UI pages so far. One for the pre-game, in game, and the Game over screens. UI pages are stored in an Array, and contain data relating to all the elements on that page. This allows a simple function to change the page when required, by simply hiding all the old elements and showing the new ones.
Unfortunately a bug in the UI handling code caused a big delay in development this update.
Restarting the game
I also made a start on being able to restart the game. I’ve not managed to completely finish this yet so it’s not demonstrated in the video.
Basically this bit simply resets whichever variables and sprites are necessary for the game.
Now that the code has been developed a little more, I have also been busy tidying up some of the less neat code and refactoring where necessary.
This has mostly just been moving code to the correct scripts and making sure that the comments are still accurate.
In the next update
I’m hoping to get another zone type working for the next update, and perhaps the beginning of the powerup collection system. I’ll also get restart game bit working properly.
See you next fortnight 🙂